Housing Development Project

Oonuhseh has expanded in 2019-2021 by taking the equity from two uninhabitable homes to create four, one-bedroom units on one of the properties and a duplex on the other property that will replace the current uninhabitable units.

Models of our two new builds in 2020-2021

There is a lack of affordable housing for the Indigenous population in the Niagara area. Our development aligns with Goal and Objectives 3(i) of the Niagara Region’s 10-Year Housing and Homelessness Action Plan. This community objective is:

“Objective: Retaining, protecting and increasing the supply of Affordable Housing 3.3 (a) Exploring off-reserve Aboriginal housing opportunities that can help augment current market options, in collaboration with the Aboriginal community. Retaining, protecting and increasing the supply of Affordable Housing.”

This new development project provides six more units of affordable housing in St. Catharines and Thorold for Indigenous families.

Four-plex with 2 accessible units
The 4-plex with 2 accessible units on the ground floor in St. Catharines
The duplex under construction in Thorold